
What I’m excited about right now: Celebrating 400 years of Shakespeare

March 29, 2023

April is an important month to the literary world. It is recognized as National Poetry Month and includes National Library Week  (April 24-28) which gives us a lot to celebrate. Additionally, fans of literature also recognize the birthday of one of the world’s most famous and influential writers. April 23 is known to be the date of William Shakespeare’s death, and it is also traditionally celebrated as his birthdate. In 2016, we celebrated 400 years since his passing, but this year marks 400 years since the publication of the First Folio in 1623.  Originally published as Mr. William Shakespeare’s Comedies,...

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What I’m excited about right now: Learn-to-draw instructional books

February 28, 2023

Kimi Mendoza Library Assistant   Art surrounds each of us and demands to be front and center every single day of our lives. One might not think so, but you may be surprised at the amount of art that you have purchased or consumed without realizing it. Artists designed furniture in your home, they created your clothing – and even the logo of the company for which you work. Your favorite movie poster had to begin somewhere in a conceptual stage. An artist or team of artists created the layout for the poster and chose what colors and fonts would...

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What I’m excited about right now: ‘Truth’ in movies is how they resonate, how we relate

January 31, 2023

    Truth in the movies, like truth in fiction, is not about facts portrayed, but about revelations of value, significance and meaning. Movies depict themes, roles, dilemmas and struggles that we recognize in very personal terms and can identify with. Though not real in fact, they are real in relating back to us experiences, present issues, and life themes in dramatic fashion.  They reflect back to us realities we ourselves have experienced—loss, grief, unrequited love, longing, regret, guilt, joy, the elation of falling in love, kindness, courage. They also portray hard choices that at times we must make, paths...

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What I’m excited about right now: How libraries are changing, yet still a comfort

January 4, 2023

When I was a young teen trying to find myself, I wandered into the Wilton Public Library. That library slowly became my home away from home, a place where I felt safe and secure, and most importantly, accepted. I embraced that feeling and wanted it to continue. So I became a library page, then continued to work at the library. I loved everything about it. I chose my college based on who had a library graduate program. While attending school, I worked at both the University of Iowa’s library and the Coralville Public Library. I couldn’t imagine more welcoming and encouraging people than librarians. The people in those libraries made...

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What I’m excited about right now: Helping young people, reading in volume, reading to improve my cooking

December 1, 2022

  After working as an educator for over 20 years, I started working at the Musser Public Library’s service desk in April of 2018. Prior to my library life, I taught pre kindergarten to ninth grade as a teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing, third grade, and I substituted in all elementary capacities. Although I changed course with my career, I still feel a connection to young people. It excites me to make library cards for young readers. I also enjoy the small kids that come to the desk with parents. A few children have shown interest in...

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What I’m excited about right now: New adventures!

October 31, 2022

What an Adventure! That is the best way to describe my transition from a public school special education teacher to becoming a children’s/teens’ librarian at Musser Public Library. As I approach the four-month mark of my career as a librarian, I have so much to be excited about! Although I have come to the job without prior library experience, I have taken on new and existing programming with enthusiasm and gumption. I have always been most excited when starting a new adventure, and my time in this position has already shown me it will be an incredible adventure! I am...

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What I’m excited about right now: Witnessing children’s learning and growth

September 29, 2022

What am I excited about? Childhood.  Actually, I am excited about just plain being human, alive on an unbelievable planet filled with possibilities. But what makes childhood especially exciting to me is its flexibility and potential. The young brain is set up to grow itself in response to its own environment, including the love, care, and curiosity expressed by those around it. At Musser Public Library we get to be part of that adventure. Like any rewarding undertaking –  mountain climbing, marathon running, or parenting, for instance – childhood is not easy! There are dozens of things that make it...

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What I’m excited about right now: Genealogy and history discoveries

August 24, 2022

    I always thought genealogy sounded interesting, but I didn’t really know where to start. When I started working here at the library, I discovered how many free and amazing genealogy resources our library has to offer. Now I am totally addicted to genealogy and can’t wait to find the next piece of the puzzle in my family’s history. I was especially interested in finding out more information about my mother’s paternal side of the family. I knew very little since my grandfather’s family was from out of state and he and his family members had all passed away....

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What I’m excited about right now: Remembering Jerry Garcia on his 80th birthday

August 1, 2022

At the time of Jerry Garcia’s death on Aug. 9, 1995, he held the distinction of having performed live before more people than any other musician in history, both as a member of the Grateful Dead (the most successful concert band in music history) and in his solo career. I count myself very fortunate to have been able to see Garcia perform with the Dead once, just five weeks before Garcia died, and now, 27 years later, I’m excited about celebrating his 80th birthday on August 1. Numerous celebrations across the country are planned around this event. There are...

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What I’m excited about right now: Collecting, memories of summer reading at MPL

June 24, 2022

What am I passionate about? This question makes me think about my many collections. I have a Wonder Woman collection because who doesn’t want to have an invisible jet? As a mom I have always enjoyed the fantasy of getting into my invisible jet and escaping from the kids, the cooking, the cleaning – for just a few minutes peace! However, my costume would be much more modest than what Lynda Carter or Gal Gadot wear. I’m more the yoga pants and t-shirt type. Another collection I have are Funko Pop figures. I don’t know what it is about these...

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