Rooms & Spaces


If you are interested in reserving a meeting room at the Musser Public Library & HNI Community Center please submit the online application to determine availability and we will confirm your reservation by email. You can also reserve a meeting room through a librarian at 563-263-3065 or stopping in at the library at 408 E. 2nd St, Muscatine, IA, 52761.


Rooms #204 and #301 have some built in A/V capabilities. These are listed in the amenities under each room after beginning the reservation process. It is recommended, when possible, to test out the equipment prior to the reserved meeting room time to ensure that your devices/equipment will work with the room technology. The Library cannot guarantee compatibility with all devices and equipment. For additional information, please contact the Service Desk at 563-263-3065 ext. 1.


#301 Large Program Room Layout Options