Musser Public Library & HNI Community Center offer curbside pickup. Our curbside pickup service will allow for pickup of items at the library. The curbside pickup location is located directly outside the East Entrance of the Library, adjacent to the Handicapped Parking spots.
Patrons are asked to park at the East Entrance near the sign for “Curbside Pickup”.
Once you have been notified that your hold/s are available, please call the library at 563-263-3065 ext. #1 to schedule a pickup time.
Materials already held, or that have been placed on hold will be available for pick up. Please call to make an appointment.
The library encourages patrons to wear masks during curbside pickup.
Hours for scheduled Curbside Pickup appointments:
- Monday – Thursday 10:30 am – 8:30 pm
- Friday 10:30 am – 5:30 pm
- Saturday 10:30 am – 1:30 pm
- Sunday 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Curbside Pickup FAQ
How do I place holds?
Request materials by using the
online catalog, or by calling 563-263-3065 ext. #1.
What if I don't have a library card?
Call the library at 563-263-3065 ext. 1 and staff will sign you up for a new card
Can you look for specific items or provide reading suggestions?
Yes! Give us a call at 563-263-3065 ext. 2 for specific holds or reading suggestions.
How will I know my hold items are ready for pickup?
You will receive an email, phone or text notification, based on the preference selected in your account. At that time you will call to schedule a pickup appointment. We are not sending mail notifications. Please update your account online with a current email address, as this is the preferred method of hold notification at this time.
Staff will fill your holds placed online as quickly as possible; however, some materials requested may not be available, and wait times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your patience.
How many items can I check out?
You can check out up to 20 items at this time per library card.
Can I schedule simultaneous pick-ups for multiple accounts that all live in the same household?
Yes, you can check out 20 items per library card.
Do I need a library card?
Yes, patrons must hold a valid library card to use curbside pickup. A total of 20 items may be checked out per card during curbside pickup. If you have questions regarding the status of your card, call the library at 563-263-3065 ext. #1.
What if I have mobility issues and cannot leave my vehicle?
If you have mobility issues, we can provide accommodation such as placing bagged items on the hood or in the trunk of your vehicle. Please request this when you call.
What if I don’t drive or will be walking to the library?
A walk-up area will be designated near the East Entrance of the library. Please mention this when you schedule your pick up.
What materials are available for pickup?
All physical materials currently on the shelf are available, including books, audiobooks, video games, DVDs, etc.
What if I have replacement fees, overdue items, or I’m over the checkout limit?
Library staff can override fee restrictions and checkout limits if the situation warrants.
How do I return materials?
Items can be returned in the drive-up alley bookdrop.