Elections & Elected Officials Guide

Welcome to Musser Public Library’s Elected Officials and Elections Guide. Here you will find information about where to locate party headquarters, where to vote, who’s currently in office, and who’s running for office.

Voter Information FAQs

Voter Registration

A printable form is available to register via mail.

To vote in Iowa, you must be registered to vote. To qualify to register to vote, you must be:

You cannot:

For more information regarding restoration of convicted felon voting rights visit: https://governor.iowa.gov/services/voting-rights-restoration

Download a Voter Registration Form. If you have concerns about your polling place or voter registration please contact your county auditor.

Where to Vote

Find your local polling place at the Iowa Secretary of State website

Map of Muscatine County Voting Precincts

Map of City of Muscatine Voting Precincts

List and Addresses of Muscatine County Precinct Names & Locations

What if I’m not in town at election time?

Download an absentee ballot request form.

What if my loved ones or I are out of the country?

Voting help for military or U.S. citizens living outside the country is available from the Federal Voting Assistance Program or the Overseas Vote Foundation.

How do I find out what district I live in?

The State Election Board Precinct Locator also includes which federal, state and county district in which you live.

When do I vote?

Polling places for primary and general election days are open from 7 AM until 9 PM.

General Information Sites

Muscatine County Auditor

Voter information specific to Muscatine County.

Iowa Secretary of State

Voter information for Iowa residents.

Political Parties

Parties listed in alphabetical order

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Party in Iowa

Democratic Party in Muscatine County

The Green Party of the United States

The Green Party of Iowa

Libertarian Party

Libertarian Party in Iowa

Republican National Committee

Republican Party in Iowa

Republican Party in Muscatine County

Election Results And Statistics

Election Results & Statistics from the Iowa Secretary of State

Election Results from the Muscatine County Auditor

Historical Presidential Election Results from the U.S. Electoral College

Current Elected Officials


Contact information for your Federal Elected Officials


Donald J. Trump (R)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone: 202.456.1414
Website: https://www.whitehouse.gov/
Comments: 202.456.1111
Switchboard: 202.456.1414
Tty/tdd Comments: 202.456.6213
Tty/tdd Visitors Office: 202.456.2121


J.D. Vance (R)
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone: 202.456.7549
Website: https://www.whitehouse.gov/

U.S. Senate

Joni Ernst (R)

Washington Office
260 Russell Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202. 224.3254
Fax: 202.224.9369

Cedar Rapids Office
111 Seventh Avenue SE
Suite 480
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: 319.365.4504
Fax: 319.365.4683

Sioux City Office
194 Federal Building
320 Sixth Street
Sioux City, IA 51101
Phone: 712.252.1550
Fax: 712.252.1638

Council Bluffs Office
2146 27th Avenue, Suite 500
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
Phone: 712. 352.1167
Fax: 712.352.0087

Des Moines Office
733 Federal Building
210 Walnut Street
Des Moines, IA  50309
Phone: 515.284.4574
Fax: .515.284.4937

Davenport Office
201 West Second Street
Suite 806
Davenport, IA  52801
Phone: 563.322.0677
Fax: 563.322.0854

Website: http://www.ernst.senate.gov

Charles Grassley (R)

Washington Office
135 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202.224.3744

Cedar Rapids Office
111 7th Avenue SE, Box 13, Suite 6800
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: 319.363.6832

Des Moines Office
210 Walnut Street
721 Federal Building
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515.288.1145

Council Bluffs Office
2146 27th Avenue, Suite 550
Council Bluffs, IA 51501
Phone: 712.322.7103

Davenport Office
201 West 2nd Street
Suite 720
Davenport, IA 52801
Telephone: 563.322.4331

Sioux City Office
120 Federal Building
320 6th Street
Sioux City, IA 51101
Phone: 712.233.1860

Waterloo Office
210 Waterloo Building
531 Commercial Street
Waterloo, IA 50701
Phone: 319.232.6657

Website: http://www.grassley.senate.gov/

U.S. House of Representatives

Muscatine County is in the First District

Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R)
1st District

Washington Office
1034 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202.225.6576

Davenport Office
201 W. 2nd St.
Suite 705
Davenport, IA 52801
Phone: 563.232.0930

Indianola Office
126 N. Howard St.
Indianola, IA 50125
Phone: 515.808.6040

Website: https://millermeeks.house.gov/


Ashley Hinson (R)
2nd District
Washington Office
1717 Longworth House Office Building
Phone: 202.225.2911

Cedar Rapids Office
111 7th Ave. SE
Suite 580
Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
Phone: 319.364.2288

Dubuque Office
1050 Main St.
Dubuque, IA 52001
Phone: 319.557.7789

Waterloo Office
531 Commercial St.
Suite 302
Waterloo, IA 50701
Phone: 319.266.6925

Website: https://hinson.house.gov

Zachary Nunn (R)
3rd District
Washington Office
1232 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC  20515
Phone: (202) 225-5476

Creston Office
208 West Taylor St
Creston, IA 50801
Phone: 641.220.9093
Des Moines Office
400 Locust St.
Suite 250
Des Moines, IA 50309
Phone: 515.400.8180
Ottumwa Office
223 East Main St.
Ottumwa, IA 52501
Phone: 641.220.9641


Randy Feenstra (R)
Fourth District

Washington Office
1440 Longworth HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202.225.4426

Council Bluffs Office
149 West Broadway
Council Bluffs, IA  51503
Phone: 712.256.5653
Sioux City District Office
320 6th Street
Room 112
Sioux City, IA  51101
Phone: 712.224.4692
Fort Dodge District Office
723 Central Avenue
Fort Dodge, IA  50501
Phone: 515.302.7060

Website: https://feenstra.house.gov/


Governor Kim Reynolds (R)
State Capitol
Des Moines, IA
Phone: 515.281.5211

Website: http://www.governor.iowa.gov/
Online Form: https://governor.iowa.gov/contact

Lieutenant Governor Chris Cournoyer (R)
State Capitol
Des Moines, IA
Phone: 515.281.5211

Website: https://governor.iowa.gov/meet-lieutenant-governor-chris-cournoyer
Online Form: https://governor.iowa.gov/contact

 Secretary of State Paul Pate (R)

Secretary of State
First Floor, Lucas Building
321 E. 12th St.
Des MoinesIA 50319
Phone:  515.281.5204

Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig (R)

Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Wallace State Office Building
502 E 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515.281.5321

Website: https://iowaagriculture.gov/mike-naig

State Auditor

Rob Sand (D)

Office of Auditor of State
Room 111
State Capitol Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319

Phone: 515.281.5834

Website: http://auditor.iowa.gov/

State Treasurer

Roby Smith (R)

State Treasurer’s Office
Capitol Building
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: .515.281.5368

Website: http://www.treasurer.state.ia.us/

Iowa Attorney General

Brenna Bird (R)
Office of the Attorney General of Iowa
Hoover State Office Building
1305 E. Walnut Street
Des Moines IA 50319
Phone: 515.281.5164

Website: https://www.iowaattorneygeneral.gov/ 

Iowa Senate

41st District

Kerry  Gruenhagen (R)
1007 East Grand Avenue,
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515.281.3371

Website: https://iowasenaterepublicans.com/senators/kerry-gruenhagen/  
email: kerry.gruenhagen@legis.iowa.gov

48th District

Mark S. Lofgren (R)
P.O Box 213
Muscatine, IA 52761

Website: https://iowasenaterepublicans.com/senators/mark-lofgren/
email: mark.lofgren@legis.iowa.gov

Iowa House of Representatives

District 82

Bobby Kaufmann (R)
1527 330th Street
Wilton, IA 52778
Phone: 563.260.3355

email: bobby.kaufmann@legis.iowa.gov

District 95

Taylor R. Colins (R)
1007 East Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50319
Phone: 515.281.7340

Website: https://iowahouserepublicans.nationbuilder.com/collins
email: taylor.collins@legis.iowa.gov

District 96

Mark Cisneros (R)
2377 57th St S
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.506.3673

Website: https://iowahouserepublicans.nationbuilder.com/Cisneros
email: mark.cisneros@legis.iowa.gov


City of Muscatine


Dr. Brad Bark
1701 Timberline Dr
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.506.3161
email: bbark@muscatineiowa.gov

First Ward Representative

Don Lampe
3423 Clermont Drive
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.299.2488

email: dlampe@muscatineiowa.gov

Second Ward Representative

Jeff Osborne
Phone: 563.265.0585
email: josborne@muscatineiowa.gov

Third Ward Representative

Peggy Gordon
802 Weir St
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.506.0730
email: pgordon@muscatineiowa.gov

Fourth Ward Representative

Nadine Brockert
6814 McIntire Rd
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.264.1390
email: nbrockert@muscatineiowa.gov

Fifth Ward Representative

John Jindrich
1314 Smalley St
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.299.2975
email: jjindrich@muscatineiowa.gov

At-Large Representative

Angie Lewis
714 West Fulliam Ave
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.528.0998
email: alewis@muscatineiowa.gov

At-Large Representative

Matt Conard
27 Colony Drive
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.299.5334
email: mconard@muscatineiowa.gov

Muscatine County Board of Supervisors

District 1

Danny Chick
2411 Mittman RD
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.506.6882
email: danny.chick@muscatinecountyiowa.gov

District 2

Kurt Kirchner
1185 60th ST
Nichols, IA 52749
Phone: 563.320.1396
email: kurt.kirchner@muscatinecountyiowa.gov

District 3

Scott Sauer
3041 170th Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.299.2173
email: scott.sauer@co.muscatine.ia.us

District 4

Nathan Mather, Vice Chair
2682 Tom Sawyer Road
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
Phone: 563.260.3100
email: Nathan.mather@co.muscatine.ia.us

District 5

Jeff Sorensen, Chair
620 Weir Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
Phone: 563.264.3188
email: jeff.sorensen@co.muscatine.ia.us


Boards and Commissions Directory