‘Find Your Flow’ Healing Arts Presentations – Cranial Sacral Therapy, Becky Schmertman

April 23, 2024

Becky Schmertman will introduce you to Cranial Sacral Therapy, a gentle-touch whole-body reset. It works by finding & addressing the restrictions on the spinal cord caused by various traumas. When cerebral spinal fluid flow is restored, nerves and tissues begin to revitalize and find their intended rhythms. This helps the entire body relax and normalize.

Becky is a licensed massage therapist and registered yoga instructor. She’s been doing Cranial Sacral Therapy for most of her 19 years as a therapist and now takes new clients only for this modality. Catch her yoga classes early mornings at the YMCA or live on Zoom by request. 

This talk is part of a series. The remaining programs are:

May 9 – Caleen Pagel – Myofascial /Scar Tissue Release and Healing with Sound

May 14 – Deb LaRue- Reiki

May 16 – Suzanne Dunlap – Neuromuscular Massage and Essentrics


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