National Register of Historic Places Nominations

Historic buildings or neighborhoods that are found to have historic significance and integrity are eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the nation’s historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources. Properties listed in the National Register include districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that are significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. The National Register is administered by the National Park Service. More information may be found online at

Buildings listed as “contributing” within a historic district listed on the National Register of Historic Places enjoyed the same benefits as a building listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places. The benefits of listing on the National Register of Historic Places range from community pride to economic development to financial assistance to individual property owners. More information on the federal and state financial assistance programs may be found online through the National Park Service ( and State Historic Preservation Office (, under historic preservation and grants). While projects using these funds must be reviewed by the state to meet national rehabilitation guidelines, projects using private funds do not go through any additional review process and property owners are not restricted with what they might do with their property listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Two large historic districts in Muscatine were recently listed on the National Register of Historic Places. With the completion of the Architectural and Historical Survey and Evaluation of Downtown Muscatine in 2005, the Muscatine Historic Preservation Commission immediately acted on the recommendation to nominate the Downtown Commercial Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places, as well as the Historical and Architectural Resources of Muscatine, Iowa multiple property document with the six historic contexts. These nominations were approved on May 26, 2006. Following the Architectural and Historical Survey and Evaluation of the West Hill neighborhood in 2006, the Muscatine Historic Preservation Commission again moved forward quickly to nominate the West Hill Historic District to the National Register of Historic Places, as well as amending the Historical and Architectural Resources of Muscatine, Iowa multiple property document with two additional historic contexts. These nominations were approved on April 30, 2008. Rebecca Lawin McCarley, Architectural Historian with SPARK Consulting in Davenport, completed these nomination projects on behalf of the commission.

Information on each building within a historic district can be found within the National Register of Historic Places nomination, as well as overall significant historic information on the area. Click below to download these nominations completed by the efforts of the Muscatine Historic Preservation Commission (.pdf format, for private use only):

Thirteen buildings in Muscatine have been listed on the National Register of Historic Places of Historic Places through other efforts, as of 2008. More information on these nominations may be obtained from the National Register of Historic Places program or State Historic Preservation Office: