Dispatches From Your Library

April 16, 2020

Good morning!

Somehow we are entering into the 5th week of our temporary closure. And we can’t wait to get back open and sharing all our incredible resources.

But even though our doors are closed we still have all kinds of great resources that you can access remotely. Just to recap, here’s a few:

  • Free, downloadable items, like eBooks(Overdrive), eMusic(Freegal), eMagazines(RBDigital), and eNewspapers(New York Times)
  • We also have several databases, like ValueLine Investments, ReferenceUSA, and others that can also be free accessed at home. Visit our Databases page for the whole list.
  • Tons of great programming courtesy of our amazing Children’s Department! (we’ll post the Channel 5 Schedule soon…) We will also be uploading these videos to our Vimeo page so stay tuned for that.

And here are a few of our new updates:

  • We are working on a large new order of eBooks & eAudiobooks  on OverDrive to significantly increase the size of our digital materials collection. As soon as that order is submitted I’ll post some of the more popular titles here for you to peruse.
  • We extended our streaming access via Freegal. Previously you were only able to stream 3 hours of music per day. But now we’ve increased that streaming service to 24 hours a day so you can stream for free as much music as you like! This feature will be available until September 30th, 2020. Freegal is available online as well as through the Freegal app. To learn to how use Freegal, check out our new tutorial here.
  • Lastly, we’ve gone live with our new Musser Public Library Academy. Here you will find several easy to use tutorials/videos on how to use most of our online resources. So if you’ve ever wanted to learn how to check out an eBook on your device/phone/tablet, look no further!

That’s it for now. We hope you are all well and look forward to seeing everyone again soon.



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