Inter-Library Loan

The Musser Public Library can borrow materials from other libraries outside of the RiverShare Library System (RLS). First confirm that Musser Public Library  (or RLS) does not own a title by searching the library catalog by author, title, or keyword. If the library does not own the item, we will try to borrow it for you through interlibrary loan.

You can place an interlibrary loan request for materials:

Recently published materials may not be borrowed through interlibrary loan.

Inter-Library Loan FAQ

What is Interlibrary loan?
Musser Public Library can borrow materials not in our RiverShare catalog from other libraries for our patrons.
How likely am I to get what I request?
About 85% of requests are filled.
What can't I get through interlibrary loan?
Newly released DVDs, newly published books, ebooks and digital movies, eReaders, computer software, or entire issues of magazines are unavailable.
How much does it cost?
There is no fee for this service.
How long will it take?
Most requests are filled within 2 weeks. Materials that are in high demand, hard to find, or owned by only a few libraries may take longer.
How can I check the status of my request?
Contact the Interlibrary loan specialists at 563-263-3065 or
What happens when my interlibrary loan materials come in?
You will be notified by phone or email. Once you are notified, the materials will be held at the Holds Shelf at the Library.
How long can I keep my interlibrary loan materials?
Loan periods for most items are the same as if they were owned by Musser Public Library: 3 weeks for books, 1 week for CDs and DVDs. In some cases loan periods may be shortened. The due date will be noted on the cover of the book. It is in your best interest to pick up your materials promptly.
Can I renew my interlibrary loan materials?
What are the restrictions on these services?

If the Musser Public Library owns or has ordered the item you want, it cannot be requested through interlibrary loan.

You may have up to 8 active requests per card at one time.

Your card cannot be expired and you cannot owe more than $5 in fines, fees or other charges.

Patrons with Computer Access library cards are not eligible for interlibrary loan services.

Students should request course materials through their school library.

Copyright restrictions may apply to some photocopy requests.